Despite uncertainty surrounding the forthcoming Brexit negotiations, successful UK automotive businesses are actively exploring how to boost their plans for expansion by establishing a subsidiary in Slovakia, right at the heart of the EU. Click here to read more | Source: Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce
The numbers speak for themselves. Slovakia is rapidly becoming known as the new European hub of automotive and with further headroom for growth there are tremendous opportunities. Click for full article here | Source: Midlands Business News
Report from Automotive Purchasing on the Automotive Supply Chain Roadshow in March in Birmingham. Click here to read the report | Source: Automotive Purchasing (pictured left to right above: Christopher Plant, The Voice of Slovak Business; Dominique Bernard, Tatra banka; David Hillan, Grant Thornton; His Excellency Lubomir Rehak, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to the UK; Zuzana Kostialova, Tatra banka; Wilfried Serles, Grant Thornton Slovakia; Adela Kovarova, The Voice of Slovak Business; Milan Gavlak, SARIO)