Nessians at the conference Automotive Supply Chain Roadshow in Birmingham
The presentation was held on March 20 – 21 under the wings of organization The Voice of Slovak Business. Its main goal was to promote and enhance business relations and initiatives between Slovakia and Great Britain. The conference was attended by renowned logos such as Jaguar/Land Rover, Grant Thorton, Gefco, SARIO, Tatrabanka, CEIT. Ness led by Pete Rogers, (General Manager Europe, Ness Digital Engineering), Tomáš Futáš (Program Director, Ness KDC) and Rudolf Slávka (Senior Development Manager, Ness KDC) presented the newest software trends and solutions from the automotive area focusing on digital maps, autonomous driving and telematics.
Rudolf Slávka, Senior Development Manager, Ness KDC: „The conference contained also macroeconomics parameters tempting British investors to enter the Slovak market. It was pleasure to see the audience’s impressions and interest in the technologies and innovations we work with in Košice. “
Tomáš Futáš, Program Director, Ness KDC: „I enjoyed presenting the areas we devote to in Košice including the autonomous driving. The feedback proved this topic to be very hot and leading in automotive industry for the forthcoming years. “